Kompotoi EUROTOI

Kompotoi has been developing, renting and selling durable, high-quality composting toilets made of solid wood for ten years. The unique quality lies in the interaction of ecology and user-friendliness. Our toilets look good, are absolutely odorless and exceptionally environmentally friendly. We work in a water-saving way and without chemical additives. We turn “human output” into a soil improver, thus closing a crucial natural cycle.


Ecology and comfort

Kompotoi’s “homey” wooden toilets are much more comfortable for the user than traditional plastic/chemical toilets. Our dry toilets are handmade with great attention to detail. We offer various designs, including a barrier-free model.

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Become a partner now

Kompotoi has requests from all over Germany. To handle them, we work with local partners. Ideally, they come from the sanitation or waste management sector, such as EAD (Eigenbetrieb der Stadt Darmstadt). Expanding their range, our partners quickly tap into new customer segments and position themselves progressively and sustainably.

In addition to ecological sanitation solutions for the event industry, we are particularly addressing the problem of too few public toilets in cities and communities. Kompotoi provides support here in the planning of facilities in public spaces. The compact system allows municipalities to generate a quick, uncomplicated, cost-effective, and sustainable solution.

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The collected residues from the Kompotois are transformed into stable humus soil. Combined process technology of fermentation and composting is used. This technology is also used to produce Terra Preta. With our compost, soils can be reactivated and carbon can be sequestered (CO2 reduction) through the formation of humus. The collected urine is converted into fertilizer via a nitrification reactor, stabilizing the nitrogen in the urine, and could also be used in Germany soon. In Switzerland and Austria, the product is already approved for food cultivation. A corresponding amendment to the law in Germany is underway and should gain acceptance shortly.

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